Gr 3 SS Quiz - Monday

Bonjour! A note was sent home yesterday about the Social Studies quiz on Monday. Please ensure your child is prepared by reviewing the maps in "le cahier de lecture". Merci!  Mme Goold

Gr 3 Cahier de lecture- Les Grands Lacs

Please ensure that your child practices the sheet sent home in "le cahier de lecture" on "les Grands Lacs". There will be a quiz on where the lakes are situated next week. Merci!

Voici les 5 Grands Lacs:

Gr. 6 Social Studies Homework- due Tuesday

Bonjour!  In our unit on "Le Canada et le monde", we have begun to focus on how we are "des citoyens du monde" (citizens of the World). We played a fun game called "GloBingo" today and the students came to realize the many links that we have with other countries.
For homework, students are asked to search their home for items that have come from other countries. Please ensure this sheet is completed by TUESDAY.  Merci!  Mme Goold

Gr 3 Presentations

Bonjour! Today, students came home with 1) the Sciences sociales Quiz and 2) a sheet in their Cahier de lecture to practice for a French presentation.
Please check your child's progress in SS and make sure corrections are made appropriately on the quiz. Most of this should be a review from grade 2.
I would also like your child to practise his/her presentation sheet (see highlighted words). Presentations will begin on Thursday. They are asked to bring in 2 items and a photo of themself. Students can listen to the following recording of my voice for extra pronunciation assistance:
 Gr 3 French Presentation

Gr. 6 Sciences sociales

The grade 6's have begun to focus on ways that Canada helps other countries in the World. We have been researching various organizations that provide foreign aid as well as how Canadians have helped others in times of disasters and conflict. Very interesting topic!

Sciences sociales QUIZ Gr.3

The Gr 3's will have a very short review quiz in Social Studies on Thursday. It will be a fill-in-the-blank format with the words provided at the bottom.  Students will also be required to locate Ontario on a map of Canada. Merci!
Please note: Ma planète is also called "La Terre". 

Gr 3 Quiz & Le cahier de lecture

The Gr 3's will be coming home with their corrected, open-book quiz based on our story "Qu'est-ce que c'est?".  This story was read and acted out at school.  It was also sent home in Le cahier de lecture. Please take a look at your child's work and go over the answers with him/her. I also wrote a comment on their oral reading skills at the top of the quiz. The quiz remains at home.
Please ensure to continue practsing Le cahier de lecture at home on a regular basis (at least 3 times/week). Return le cahier next Tuesday for a new sheet.  Merci!

Gr 3 - Sciences sociales

The Gr 3's have begun their unit on "Living and Working in Ontario".  We will be focusing on activities, resources, and jobs in the 3 regions in Ontario. We'll also be examining many maps so if you have a chance, have your child explore Google Earth or the following interactive map website: Maps of the World
Merci! Mme Goold

Gr. 6 Maps of the World

The Grade 6's have been given until Wednesday to complete their map of the World at home. In our Social Studies unit, we will be learning ways that Canada and Canadians make a difference in the world through our participation in various organizations.